Low Vegetable cages - 1.2m Erected High Cages

SKU: JO150618

Width: 600mm
Length: 1.8m
Connector Type: Joiners
Netting Cover Type: No Netting
Sale price£31.00


Protect your garden with Low aluminium cage kits, designed to keep your plants safe from pests and wildlife.

They are 1.2m high when erected. 

Choose the right netting for your needs: bird netting to keep birds away, butterfly netting to stop cabbage white butterflies, or Veggiemesh for protection against smaller insects.

We design our cages with durability in mind, ensuring maximum leg spacing of 1.98m (6ft 4in) to prevent bowing.

The covers are not fixed so easy to lift off or change when required.

Important Note: If snow is forecast, remove the netting to avoid damage caused by its weight.

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