A mixture of species but including mainly reds and dendras. These species have excellent composting abilities and will work well in a wormery. A mixture of worms works best as some worms prefer slightly more acidic conditions than others.
Surface litter worms unlike the worms which you find in your garden (lob worms – lumbricus terrestris) these reds and dendras like to work in the top few inches of the soil making them ideal for wormeries. You will find these species of worms naturally in manure heaps or on the forest floor.
Prolific eaters these composting worms will feed on a range of organic waste and the microorganisms living in that waste and will eat up to their own weight in food daily. They mature in a matter of weeks and can lay an egg every 10 days or so.
Size :
250g - approximately 400-500 worms
500g - approximately 800-1000 worms.